What? According to a story on LifeNews.com, the Obama Administration has been forced to purchase ads just to try and convince Americans the new healthcare laws are good for us?
Just got to read this.....
Obama Admin Purchases Google Ads to Promote ObamaCare
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 12/17/10 1:46 PM
Forced to contend with the unpopularity of the ObamaCare health care law that fails to prohibit abortion funding, the Obama Administration has been forced to purchase Google ads to promote it.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is purchasing keyword ads on Google using the infamous ObamaCare description......http://www.lifenews.com/2010/12/17/nat-6942/
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wikileaks Legacy
Leaking of sensitive documents is not new, however, the extent of the leaks due to modern technology makes them have much more punch. Thought you'd be interested in reading the following story released by Duke University.......
Wikileaks Legacy
By Jackie Ogburn
The Wikileaks release of classified diplomatic cables may have the same influence that the Pentagon Papers did four decades ago, said a panel of Duke faculty Tuesday.
"There is an arc between the Pentagon Papers and Wikileaks, each beginning a new age of information," said Philip Bennett, professor of journalism and public policy and former managing editor of The Washington Post. "The release of the Pentagon Papers led to a new period in the relationship of the government and the press. WikiLeaks may do the same."
Four Duke professors spoke at the Sanford School of Public Policy Tuesday amid the breaking news of the arrest of WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange on charges of sexual assault. The panel attracted a crowd of students, faculty and community members that filled a classroom and an adjacent overflow room.
Panelists included Bennett, Peter Feaver, professor of political science and public policy and member of the National Security Council during the Bush administration, and Ambassador Patrick Duddy, Latin American specialist with the State Department and U.S. Diplomat in Residence at Duke. Vice Provost of International Affairs Gilbert Merkx served as moderator.
On Nov. 28, WikiLeaks posted 220 documents on its website, the first of a cache of more than 250,000 documents of confidential American diplomatic cables. More cables had been made available to mainstream news outlets, including The New York Times and The Guardian.
Publication of leaked classified material is not new, the panelists said. For example, journalist Bob Woodward ferrets out White House secrets and gets a book contract, with no aggressive investigation into those leaks, even though some of the information revealed in his book might be of a higher classification than the diplomatic cables.
However, WikiLeaks presents a new way for secrets to enter the public domain, Bennett said. It has an anonymous online drop-box, which can serve to shield the leaker's identity. In the past, a leaker's identity was at least known to the reporter to whom he divulged classified information. WikiLeaks has suffered from denial of service attacks and the arrest of its founder.
Bennett believes there are at least two different stories, one of the content released and another about how the leaks are distributed and the response to the methodology. Not all media had initial access to the documents, which influenced how they focused their reporting.
"There are three elements in WikiLeaks not found in the Pentagon Papers," Bennett said. "WikiLeaks are international, decentralized and deinstitutionalized. They are by individual actors that are difficult to control."
Ambassador Duddy's point of view reflected his career in diplomacy.
"Someone with access and authorization to see the materials downloaded them and passed them to an unauthorized person. That is a criminal act." He sees the release as damaging to the practice of diplomacy, which depends on candid reporting from the field. "The cables themselves are contributions to the conversation, not policy, which enrich the thinking of the policy makers."
Duddy's concern is that "publicizing of these private conversations hurts the confidence and safety of those who speak to us. For those for whom speaking to us at all is a risk, to expose them seems profoundly irresponsible." It will make diplomacy harder in the future.
The cables do underscore that the current administration has a robust international diplomacy, and is intending to deal with the difficulties laid at its doorstep. Duddy said that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has reached out to foreign leaders on this matter, although reportedly she was told, "You should hear what we say about you."
"I divide the impact of the WikiLeaks into the good, the bad and the ugly," said Feaver. "It is good for Julian Assange, as it glorifies him and he sees himself as a hero. It is also good for scholars, at least those who don't want to go into government, as they have access to the information 20 years early. It's good for Israel, as if proves what they have been saying, that what Arab leaders say to the West is different from what they say to the street."
Feaver characterized the leaks as bad for diplomacy and also for the Obama administration, because "it happened on his watch." It revealed a lack of "message discipline" between the State Department and the Department of Defense, and the Department of Justice has been slow to respond.
"It's also not so good for the mainstream media," Feaver asserted. "Like Matt Drudge, WikiLeaks can bypass the mainstream media." Bennett disagreed, saying that reporters and experts are needed to interpret the information and put it in context. In additional, traditional media do consult with the White House and consider the risk of damage to national security.
For the ugly, Feaver said further leaks will be hard to prevent because of technology. The system is vulnerable because of changes to prevent stove-piping of information after 9/11. He also saw the action of the U.S. government forbidding employees from going to the WikiLeaks website as part of the ugly. "It's not so good for Assange, with his arrest and attacks on the site by other vigilantes. We're entering an uglier phase of the story," he said.
The event was sponsored by the Duke University Center for International Studies, (DUCIS) along with the DeWitt Wallace Foundation for Media and Democracy, Duke University's American Grand Strategy Program and the Triangle Institute for Security Studies.
Wikileaks Legacy
By Jackie Ogburn
The Wikileaks release of classified diplomatic cables may have the same influence that the Pentagon Papers did four decades ago, said a panel of Duke faculty Tuesday.
"There is an arc between the Pentagon Papers and Wikileaks, each beginning a new age of information," said Philip Bennett, professor of journalism and public policy and former managing editor of The Washington Post. "The release of the Pentagon Papers led to a new period in the relationship of the government and the press. WikiLeaks may do the same."
Four Duke professors spoke at the Sanford School of Public Policy Tuesday amid the breaking news of the arrest of WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange on charges of sexual assault. The panel attracted a crowd of students, faculty and community members that filled a classroom and an adjacent overflow room.
Panelists included Bennett, Peter Feaver, professor of political science and public policy and member of the National Security Council during the Bush administration, and Ambassador Patrick Duddy, Latin American specialist with the State Department and U.S. Diplomat in Residence at Duke. Vice Provost of International Affairs Gilbert Merkx served as moderator.
On Nov. 28, WikiLeaks posted 220 documents on its website, the first of a cache of more than 250,000 documents of confidential American diplomatic cables. More cables had been made available to mainstream news outlets, including The New York Times and The Guardian.
Publication of leaked classified material is not new, the panelists said. For example, journalist Bob Woodward ferrets out White House secrets and gets a book contract, with no aggressive investigation into those leaks, even though some of the information revealed in his book might be of a higher classification than the diplomatic cables.
However, WikiLeaks presents a new way for secrets to enter the public domain, Bennett said. It has an anonymous online drop-box, which can serve to shield the leaker's identity. In the past, a leaker's identity was at least known to the reporter to whom he divulged classified information. WikiLeaks has suffered from denial of service attacks and the arrest of its founder.
Bennett believes there are at least two different stories, one of the content released and another about how the leaks are distributed and the response to the methodology. Not all media had initial access to the documents, which influenced how they focused their reporting.
"There are three elements in WikiLeaks not found in the Pentagon Papers," Bennett said. "WikiLeaks are international, decentralized and deinstitutionalized. They are by individual actors that are difficult to control."
Ambassador Duddy's point of view reflected his career in diplomacy.
"Someone with access and authorization to see the materials downloaded them and passed them to an unauthorized person. That is a criminal act." He sees the release as damaging to the practice of diplomacy, which depends on candid reporting from the field. "The cables themselves are contributions to the conversation, not policy, which enrich the thinking of the policy makers."
Duddy's concern is that "publicizing of these private conversations hurts the confidence and safety of those who speak to us. For those for whom speaking to us at all is a risk, to expose them seems profoundly irresponsible." It will make diplomacy harder in the future.
The cables do underscore that the current administration has a robust international diplomacy, and is intending to deal with the difficulties laid at its doorstep. Duddy said that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has reached out to foreign leaders on this matter, although reportedly she was told, "You should hear what we say about you."
"I divide the impact of the WikiLeaks into the good, the bad and the ugly," said Feaver. "It is good for Julian Assange, as it glorifies him and he sees himself as a hero. It is also good for scholars, at least those who don't want to go into government, as they have access to the information 20 years early. It's good for Israel, as if proves what they have been saying, that what Arab leaders say to the West is different from what they say to the street."
Feaver characterized the leaks as bad for diplomacy and also for the Obama administration, because "it happened on his watch." It revealed a lack of "message discipline" between the State Department and the Department of Defense, and the Department of Justice has been slow to respond.
"It's also not so good for the mainstream media," Feaver asserted. "Like Matt Drudge, WikiLeaks can bypass the mainstream media." Bennett disagreed, saying that reporters and experts are needed to interpret the information and put it in context. In additional, traditional media do consult with the White House and consider the risk of damage to national security.
For the ugly, Feaver said further leaks will be hard to prevent because of technology. The system is vulnerable because of changes to prevent stove-piping of information after 9/11. He also saw the action of the U.S. government forbidding employees from going to the WikiLeaks website as part of the ugly. "It's not so good for Assange, with his arrest and attacks on the site by other vigilantes. We're entering an uglier phase of the story," he said.
The event was sponsored by the Duke University Center for International Studies, (DUCIS) along with the DeWitt Wallace Foundation for Media and Democracy, Duke University's American Grand Strategy Program and the Triangle Institute for Security Studies.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Uncle Ted Thinks the World Families Should be Limited to One Child
Do as he says, not as he has done.
Very interesting statement from a man who has five children------
Ted Turner Suggests One Child Policy
By DarkGovernment (Reporter)
December 7, 2010 8:40
Originally published on www.DarkGovernment.com
Climate change and population control can make for a politically explosive mix, as media mogul Ted Turner demonstrated Sunday when he urged world leaders to institute a global one-child policy to save the Earth’s environment......http://beforeitsnews.com/story/297/632/Ted_Turner_Suggests_One_Child_Policy.html
Very interesting statement from a man who has five children------
Ted Turner Suggests One Child Policy
By DarkGovernment (Reporter)
December 7, 2010 8:40
Originally published on www.DarkGovernment.com
Climate change and population control can make for a politically explosive mix, as media mogul Ted Turner demonstrated Sunday when he urged world leaders to institute a global one-child policy to save the Earth’s environment......http://beforeitsnews.com/story/297/632/Ted_Turner_Suggests_One_Child_Policy.html
ted turner,
Friday, November 19, 2010
'Don't Touch My Junk' - New Rap Song Released by Michael Adams, the Health Ranger
It was only a matter of time.....
/PRNewswire/ -- The socially conscious rap artist who released the wildly popular "I Want My Bailout Money" song in 2008 has just announced his latest song that takes aim at Big Brother's X-rated airport pat-downs: "Don't Touch My Junk" is being released today as a free download at NaturalNews.com.
Created by Michael Adams (the "Health Ranger"), "Don't Touch My Junk" exposes the aggressive, obscene pat-down procedures now being used by the TSA on air travelers. The song is based on real dialog from traveler John Tyner who secretly recorded his conversation with TSA officials who tried to perform an "aggressive pat-down" on him. He tells them, "Don't touch my junk, or I'll have you arrested."
Rapper Michael Adams, also the editor of the pro-health freedom website NaturalNews.com, incorporated those words into a clever rap song that puts a comedy spin on the issue while delivering a powerful pro-freedom message.
The song and video are available for free at: http://www.NaturalNews.com/music
The music video is also available at: http://www.NaturalNews.TV/
"This song is about reminding people to invoke their Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches," says Adams, who adds, "airports are not Constitution-free zones."
The song, which is definitely not for children, features edgy lines about "man junk" and TSA molestation. It also borrows phrases from mainstream pop songs including "My Humps" (Black Eyed Peas) and "Don't Touch This" (MC Hammer).
Popular radio host Alex Jones is also prominently mentioned in the song, along with the Fourth Amendment and the U.S. Bill of Rights.
Adams has emerged as a musically talented journalist-turned-rapper who achieved popular grassroots success with the recent release of his song and music video, "Just Say No to GMO" (http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=B459FF2B150FDF4651302A60993D9CF3), which has achieved nearly 400,000 views across the 'net.
Adams, also known as the "Health Ranger," creates songs that capture popular sentiments about socially important causes such as civil rights, the psychiatric drugging of children and the safety of the national food supply. All his songs are offered as free MP3 downloads, and Adams earns no income or royalties from the songs.
"This song is about communicating an important message on civil liberties. Allowing our own government to finger our junk and molest our wives and children is irreconcilable with the liberties protected by the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights," Adams says.
/PRNewswire/ -- The socially conscious rap artist who released the wildly popular "I Want My Bailout Money" song in 2008 has just announced his latest song that takes aim at Big Brother's X-rated airport pat-downs: "Don't Touch My Junk" is being released today as a free download at NaturalNews.com.
Created by Michael Adams (the "Health Ranger"), "Don't Touch My Junk" exposes the aggressive, obscene pat-down procedures now being used by the TSA on air travelers. The song is based on real dialog from traveler John Tyner who secretly recorded his conversation with TSA officials who tried to perform an "aggressive pat-down" on him. He tells them, "Don't touch my junk, or I'll have you arrested."
Rapper Michael Adams, also the editor of the pro-health freedom website NaturalNews.com, incorporated those words into a clever rap song that puts a comedy spin on the issue while delivering a powerful pro-freedom message.
The song and video are available for free at: http://www.NaturalNews.com/music
The music video is also available at: http://www.NaturalNews.TV/
"This song is about reminding people to invoke their Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches," says Adams, who adds, "airports are not Constitution-free zones."
The song, which is definitely not for children, features edgy lines about "man junk" and TSA molestation. It also borrows phrases from mainstream pop songs including "My Humps" (Black Eyed Peas) and "Don't Touch This" (MC Hammer).
Popular radio host Alex Jones is also prominently mentioned in the song, along with the Fourth Amendment and the U.S. Bill of Rights.
Adams has emerged as a musically talented journalist-turned-rapper who achieved popular grassroots success with the recent release of his song and music video, "Just Say No to GMO" (http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=B459FF2B150FDF4651302A60993D9CF3), which has achieved nearly 400,000 views across the 'net.
Adams, also known as the "Health Ranger," creates songs that capture popular sentiments about socially important causes such as civil rights, the psychiatric drugging of children and the safety of the national food supply. All his songs are offered as free MP3 downloads, and Adams earns no income or royalties from the songs.
"This song is about communicating an important message on civil liberties. Allowing our own government to finger our junk and molest our wives and children is irreconcilable with the liberties protected by the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights," Adams says.
michael adams,
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
New Documentary Exposes the Threats to American Parental Rights
/PRNewswire/ -- ParentalRights.org and Watchman Cinema are proud to announce the release of "The Child: America's Battle for the Next Generation" on Saturday, November 20, 2010.
The 90-minute documentary explores the current state of parental rights in America. The goal of the production is to bring awareness to the seldom-visited issue of parental rights. With the grassroots efforts of ParentalRights.org, over 300 venues have been booked to premiere this compelling documentary on or around November 20, with the hopes of educating the general public.
"'The Child' will fill this void of unawareness by explaining the situation," Director Grace Tate wrote on the documentary website. "… [Parental rights] are not just an issue – this is a battle for the future."
In 2009, President Obama's administration vowed support for a variety of UN bodies and treaties including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. With the "best interest of the child" standard outlined in the Convention pushed by Senator Barbara Boxer (CA), U.S. Representative to the UN, Susan Rice, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the treaty would grant the government authority to override parental decisions at the state level.
"The Supreme Court held parental rights at a high level in 1925 with Pierce v. Society of Sisters," Farris explains. "But in 2000, the Court really messed up with Troxel v. Granville when parental rights were deemed non-fundamental."
Under the Supremacy Clause (Article VI) of the U.S. Constitution, ratified treaties preempt state law. Since virtually all laws in the U.S. regarding children are state laws, this treaty would negate nearly 100% of existing American family law. The U.S. Constitution is silent on the subject of parental rights, leaving them unprotected against activist judges or the federal treaty power.
"The government gets to decide what is best for children on any subject whatsoever," Farris says. "That's how the Convention works; the government wins all the time."
Featured in the film are interviews with professors, congressmen, coalition leaders, parents and children hailing from all across the country. The Watchman production team, comprised of homeschooled students and graduates from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, traveled for months gathering interviews and conducting research on this topic with professional movie-quality equipment.
Parental rights are an issue that motivated many activists in this month's elections, while going largely uncovered by the national media. With close to 160 Congressmen already committed to the Parental Rights Amendment in the House for the 112th Congress, the Amendment promises to be on the agenda in both the House and the Senate next year.
The first premiere will be held at Blue Ridge Bible Church in Purcellville, Virginia on Saturday, November 20. The event is free of charge and open to the public. Preview the trailer at www.parentalrights.org/TheChild.
The 90-minute documentary explores the current state of parental rights in America. The goal of the production is to bring awareness to the seldom-visited issue of parental rights. With the grassroots efforts of ParentalRights.org, over 300 venues have been booked to premiere this compelling documentary on or around November 20, with the hopes of educating the general public.
"'The Child' will fill this void of unawareness by explaining the situation," Director Grace Tate wrote on the documentary website. "… [Parental rights] are not just an issue – this is a battle for the future."
In 2009, President Obama's administration vowed support for a variety of UN bodies and treaties including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. With the "best interest of the child" standard outlined in the Convention pushed by Senator Barbara Boxer (CA), U.S. Representative to the UN, Susan Rice, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the treaty would grant the government authority to override parental decisions at the state level.
"The Supreme Court held parental rights at a high level in 1925 with Pierce v. Society of Sisters," Farris explains. "But in 2000, the Court really messed up with Troxel v. Granville when parental rights were deemed non-fundamental."
Under the Supremacy Clause (Article VI) of the U.S. Constitution, ratified treaties preempt state law. Since virtually all laws in the U.S. regarding children are state laws, this treaty would negate nearly 100% of existing American family law. The U.S. Constitution is silent on the subject of parental rights, leaving them unprotected against activist judges or the federal treaty power.
"The government gets to decide what is best for children on any subject whatsoever," Farris says. "That's how the Convention works; the government wins all the time."
Featured in the film are interviews with professors, congressmen, coalition leaders, parents and children hailing from all across the country. The Watchman production team, comprised of homeschooled students and graduates from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, traveled for months gathering interviews and conducting research on this topic with professional movie-quality equipment.
Parental rights are an issue that motivated many activists in this month's elections, while going largely uncovered by the national media. With close to 160 Congressmen already committed to the Parental Rights Amendment in the House for the 112th Congress, the Amendment promises to be on the agenda in both the House and the Senate next year.
The first premiere will be held at Blue Ridge Bible Church in Purcellville, Virginia on Saturday, November 20. The event is free of charge and open to the public. Preview the trailer at www.parentalrights.org/TheChild.
Monday, November 8, 2010
States' Rights Took Beating Almost 100 Years Ago
I came across an interesting fact that the 17th Amendment changed the voting of senators from the states' legislatures to mimic the general population vote of the House. Was that intended to give the people more of a voice?
So, states' rights were diminished in 1913. Wonder how that will play out as the federal government takes on more power and control of our citizens' lives?
So, states' rights were diminished in 1913. Wonder how that will play out as the federal government takes on more power and control of our citizens' lives?
17th amendment,
states rights,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Heaven or Hell and the Vote
Read, enjoy and laugh. This great little piece was sent by email and I haven't a clue as to the author. It's a great way to think of all the campaign promises made by those who are seeking our vote.
Sometimes, you just don't get what you ask for------ or do you?
While walking down the street one day a Corrupt Senator was tragically hit by a car and died.
His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.
"Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, so we're not sure what to do with you."
"No problem, just let me in," says the Senator.
"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from the higher ups. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity."
"Really?, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says the Senator.
"I'm sorry, but we have our rules."
And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell.
The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.
Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They played a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and the finest champagne.
Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who is having a good time dancing and telling jokes.
They are all having such a good time that before the Senator realizes it, it is time to go.
Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises...
The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens in heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him, "Now it's time to visit heaven."
So, 24 hours passed with the Senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.
"Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity."
The Senator reflects for a minute, then he answers: "Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell."
So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell..
Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.
The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders.
"I don't understand," stammers the Senator. "Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?"
The devil smiles at him and says,
"Yesterday we were campaigning, Today, you voted."
Vote wisely on November 2, 2010
Sometimes, you just don't get what you ask for------ or do you?
While walking down the street one day a Corrupt Senator was tragically hit by a car and died.
His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.
"Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, so we're not sure what to do with you."
"No problem, just let me in," says the Senator.
"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from the higher ups. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity."
"Really?, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says the Senator.
"I'm sorry, but we have our rules."
And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell.
The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.
Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They played a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and the finest champagne.
Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who is having a good time dancing and telling jokes.
They are all having such a good time that before the Senator realizes it, it is time to go.
Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises...
The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens in heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him, "Now it's time to visit heaven."
So, 24 hours passed with the Senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.
"Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity."
The Senator reflects for a minute, then he answers: "Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell."
So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell..
Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.
The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders.
"I don't understand," stammers the Senator. "Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?"
The devil smiles at him and says,
"Yesterday we were campaigning, Today, you voted."
Vote wisely on November 2, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
She Works Hard for the Title
Sometimes, a chuckle is just what one needs for the day. .....
Call Me Senator from RightChange on Vimeo.
Perhaps, we have all worked hard for our titles....whatever they may be in our lives......
Call Me Senator from RightChange on Vimeo.
Perhaps, we have all worked hard for our titles....whatever they may be in our lives......
GOD Gave Us This Country
Listen to this great song written by a great grandmother who came to America as a child and became a citizen when she was 21.
You'll be humming along all day......
GOD Gave Us this Country from Nancy Thompson on Vimeo.
Yes, God gave us this country. So get out and vote!
You'll be humming along all day......
GOD Gave Us this Country from Nancy Thompson on Vimeo.
Yes, God gave us this country. So get out and vote!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Good Old Fashioned American Know-How
Just gotta love that good old fashioned American know-how, dedication and values. Congrats to the rescuers who are doing a super job. Remember to give thanks to the One above as well........
Statement by the NASA Administrator on the Chilean Miners Rescue
/PRNewswire/ -- The following is a statement from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden on the rescue effort for the Chilean miners.
"On behalf of the entire NASA family, I want to ask that our heartfelt thoughts and prayers continue to go out to the courageous miners, their families and friends, and the dedicated people who have been working to safely reach those who are still trapped underground.
"There is a lot of hard work ahead for rescuers, but the Chilean government and the people of that great nation should be praised for their steadfast determination. Their unwavering commitment is the reason we are witness to the joyful and emotional reunions today as the miners are returned to the surface one-by-one.
"I also want to express my personal thanks to the Americans who have assisted in this heroic effort, and specifically the NASA team that traveled to Chile in the early days of the crisis. For decades, the people of this agency have learned to live, work, and survive in the hostile environment of space. Our expertise in maintaining physiological and psychological health, and our technical and engineering experience in spacecraft design all proved to be valuable in a situation that is far from our traditional scope of work.
"I am proud of the people of this agency who were able to bring the experience of spaceflight down to Earth when it was needed most. As the drama of this rescue continues to unfold before us, we pray for the safe return of each and every miner."
Statement by the NASA Administrator on the Chilean Miners Rescue
/PRNewswire/ -- The following is a statement from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden on the rescue effort for the Chilean miners.
"On behalf of the entire NASA family, I want to ask that our heartfelt thoughts and prayers continue to go out to the courageous miners, their families and friends, and the dedicated people who have been working to safely reach those who are still trapped underground.
"There is a lot of hard work ahead for rescuers, but the Chilean government and the people of that great nation should be praised for their steadfast determination. Their unwavering commitment is the reason we are witness to the joyful and emotional reunions today as the miners are returned to the surface one-by-one.
"I also want to express my personal thanks to the Americans who have assisted in this heroic effort, and specifically the NASA team that traveled to Chile in the early days of the crisis. For decades, the people of this agency have learned to live, work, and survive in the hostile environment of space. Our expertise in maintaining physiological and psychological health, and our technical and engineering experience in spacecraft design all proved to be valuable in a situation that is far from our traditional scope of work.
"I am proud of the people of this agency who were able to bring the experience of spaceflight down to Earth when it was needed most. As the drama of this rescue continues to unfold before us, we pray for the safe return of each and every miner."
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Will There be a New Tale to Tell This Year?
Will the voters take the time to vote for those who best represent American values or not? Time will tell the tale soon.
Just wondering......
Just wondering......
Saturday, October 2, 2010
In God We Trust
What an inspiring video by Eric Horner. Sit back, enjoy and remember the values on which this country was founded.....
Perhaps, a prayer of thanks is in order after seeing the video? Just wondering.....
Perhaps, a prayer of thanks is in order after seeing the video? Just wondering.....
eric horner,
in God we trust,
Friday, September 24, 2010
Perhaps There is Room in China for Girls in the Future
While China's enforcement of the policy on one-child-per-family has resulted in baby girls being abandoned, many of these beautiful darlings have been adopted. It's rather amazing to me to count how many families I know that found adoption of baby girls in China so much easier than adopting any child at home. The girls I know are beautiful and have such full happy lives in America.
Will China relax the policy as originally intended? Or will Chinese men have to leave China within the next several years to find a wife? Hmmm, just wondering......
On 30th Anniversary of China's One-Child Policy, Former Tiananmen Square Leader Chai Ling Calls for End to Gendercide and Forced Abortions with New 'All Girls Allowed' Initiative
/PRNewswire/ -- Saturday marks the 30th anniversary of the formation of China's One-Child Policy, and for millions of girls and mothers affected by its rigid enforcement, the day is anything but a happy occasion. Although most Americans are unaware of the hundreds of millions of deaths and abandonments that have occurred as a result of this policy, one organization is on a mission to both reveal the injustice of this policy and restore value to girls and mothers in China.
All Girls Allowed (AGA) was founded by Chai Ling, two-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and former chief student leader in the 1989 Tiananmen Square Democracy Movement. The organization supports baby girls in villages with the greatest gender imbalance (sometimes up to 100 girls born for every 130 boys), and spreads awareness of human rights violations and the issue of gendercide. Visitors to AGA's website can send a baby shower gift to ensure a baby girl has a chance at life, sponsor an orphaned girl's education, sign a pledge to support girls' value, and find resources about the One-Child Policy. From students to celebrities, many have already begun to get involved.
AGA is co-hosting a press conference to discuss this tragic anniversary today on Capitol Hill, featuring Congressman Chris Smith, former political prisoner Harry Wu, AGA founder Chai Ling and Reggie Littlejohn (Women's Rights without Frontiers).
Today in China, an alarming gender imbalance exists. The Chinese government admits an average of 120 boys are born for every 100 girls. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences reports that in 2020, there will be 40 million more young men than women; by comparison, the U.S. has 40 million young men in total. Not surprisingly, China's crime rates and the prevalence of women and child trafficking have risen dramatically. Many respected economists have begun to voice concern over the volatile state of China's "demographic time bomb", and while the policy was originally set to end on September 25, 2010, it remains in place with very little change.
Will China relax the policy as originally intended? Or will Chinese men have to leave China within the next several years to find a wife? Hmmm, just wondering......
On 30th Anniversary of China's One-Child Policy, Former Tiananmen Square Leader Chai Ling Calls for End to Gendercide and Forced Abortions with New 'All Girls Allowed' Initiative
/PRNewswire/ -- Saturday marks the 30th anniversary of the formation of China's One-Child Policy, and for millions of girls and mothers affected by its rigid enforcement, the day is anything but a happy occasion. Although most Americans are unaware of the hundreds of millions of deaths and abandonments that have occurred as a result of this policy, one organization is on a mission to both reveal the injustice of this policy and restore value to girls and mothers in China.
All Girls Allowed (AGA) was founded by Chai Ling, two-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and former chief student leader in the 1989 Tiananmen Square Democracy Movement. The organization supports baby girls in villages with the greatest gender imbalance (sometimes up to 100 girls born for every 130 boys), and spreads awareness of human rights violations and the issue of gendercide. Visitors to AGA's website can send a baby shower gift to ensure a baby girl has a chance at life, sponsor an orphaned girl's education, sign a pledge to support girls' value, and find resources about the One-Child Policy. From students to celebrities, many have already begun to get involved.
AGA is co-hosting a press conference to discuss this tragic anniversary today on Capitol Hill, featuring Congressman Chris Smith, former political prisoner Harry Wu, AGA founder Chai Ling and Reggie Littlejohn (Women's Rights without Frontiers).
Today in China, an alarming gender imbalance exists. The Chinese government admits an average of 120 boys are born for every 100 girls. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences reports that in 2020, there will be 40 million more young men than women; by comparison, the U.S. has 40 million young men in total. Not surprisingly, China's crime rates and the prevalence of women and child trafficking have risen dramatically. Many respected economists have begun to voice concern over the volatile state of China's "demographic time bomb", and while the policy was originally set to end on September 25, 2010, it remains in place with very little change.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Declaration Said It, Can You?
Within the Declaration of Independence, the following words are found:
"...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, ..."
Note the difference between the wording of the Declaration and the words of our President.
Editing? Hmmmm, just wondering.
"...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, ..."
Note the difference between the wording of the Declaration and the words of our President.
Editing? Hmmmm, just wondering.
barack obama,
Monday, September 13, 2010
Comparing Politicians to a Plumber
"My dear fellow," wrote Robert Louis Stevenson in his last days to a young relative engaged in a hot political canvass, "politics is a vile and bungling business. I used to think meanly of the plumber; but he shines in comparison with the politician."
Source: The Pittsburgh Press, 12 Jul 1896
Source: The Pittsburgh Press, 12 Jul 1896
robert louis stevenson,
Friday, September 3, 2010
Standing Up for Unemployed Americans
Thought you'd like to see our elected officials who stood up for Americans on the job war.
50 Best Defenders of Jobless Americans
/PRNewswire/ -- In the best spirit of Labor Day, these 50 Members have spent the last two years standing up for the most vulnerable of all American workers - the unemployed. They not only resisted major pressures to increase the flow of foreign labor, they also attempted to reduce immigration quotas (75,000 working-age immigrants every MONTH). And they repeatedly tried to eliminate the job magnet for illegal immigration and to push the 7 million non-agricultural illegal workers out of their jobs to make room for some of the 22 million Americans who want a job but can't find one.
The non-partisan NumbersUSA rates every member on every committee and floor vote and every bill co-sponsorship that would either increase or reduce the foreign workers (legal and illegal) in the country. All actions and the computerized grading calculations are displayed on www.NumbersUSA.com. Those in Congress who do the most to protect American workers in terms of immigration policies receive an A+, while those doing the least receive an F-minus.
The 50 "Defenders" on this list:
-- received the highest grades for their actions during the last two
-- are asking voters to re-elect them to Congress this November
Grassley, Charles (IA)
DeMint, Jim (SC)
Graded A+
King, Steve (IA - 05th)
Bilbray, Brian (CA - 50th)
Boozman, John (AR - 03rd)
Burton, Dan (IN - 05th)
Coffman, Mike (CO - 06th)
Gingrey, Phil (GA - 11th)
Heller, Dean (NV - 02nd)
Marchant, Kenny (TX - 24th)
Mica, John (FL - 07th)
Bartlett, Roscoe (MD - 06th)
Broun, Paul (GA - 10th)
Foxx, Virginia (NC - 05th)
Goodlatte, Robert (VA - 06th)
Linder, John (GA - 07th)
Wittman, Robert J. (VA - 01st)
Graded A
Alexander, Rodney (LA - 05th)
Chaffetz, Jason (UT - 03rd)
McCotter, Thaddeus (MI - 11th)
Myrick, Sue (NC - 09th)
Neugebauer, Randy (TX - 19th)
Price, Tom (GA - 06th)
Rohrabacher, Dana (CA - 46th)
Akin, Todd (MO - 02nd)
Kline, John (MN - 02nd)
Lamborn, Doug (CO - 05th)
Manzullo, Donald (IL - 16th)
Poe, Ted (TX - 02nd)
Smith, Lamar (TX - 21st)
Calvert, Ken (CA - 44th)
Conaway, Mike (TX - 11th)
Fortenberry, Jeff (NE - 01st)
Franks, Trent (AZ - 02nd)
Miller, Candice (MI - 10th)
Moran, Jerry (KS - 01st)
Platts, Todd (PA - 19th)
Bachus, Spencer (AL - 06th)
Bilirakis, Gus (FL - 09th)
Fleming, John (LA - 04th)
Hunter, Duncan D. (CA - 52nd)
Jones, Walter (NC - 03rd)
Posey, Bill (FL - 15th)
Roe, Phil (TN - 01st)
Graded A-minus
Taylor, Gene (MS - 04th)
Miller, Gary (CA - 42nd)
McClintock, Tom (CA - 04th)
Brown, Henry (SC - 01st)
Luetkemeyer, Blaine (MO - 09th)
Olson, Pete (TX - 22nd)
NumbersUSA also announced the "50 Worst Deserters of Jobless Americans."
NumbersUSA is a non-profit and non-partisan organization with more than one million activist members. It was formed in 1996 in part to carry out the recommendations of the bi-partisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform (chaired by the late Barbara Jordan) which opposed immigration policies that depress wages and job prospects for the most vulnerable members of the national community.
50 Best Defenders of Jobless Americans
/PRNewswire/ -- In the best spirit of Labor Day, these 50 Members have spent the last two years standing up for the most vulnerable of all American workers - the unemployed. They not only resisted major pressures to increase the flow of foreign labor, they also attempted to reduce immigration quotas (75,000 working-age immigrants every MONTH). And they repeatedly tried to eliminate the job magnet for illegal immigration and to push the 7 million non-agricultural illegal workers out of their jobs to make room for some of the 22 million Americans who want a job but can't find one.
The non-partisan NumbersUSA rates every member on every committee and floor vote and every bill co-sponsorship that would either increase or reduce the foreign workers (legal and illegal) in the country. All actions and the computerized grading calculations are displayed on www.NumbersUSA.com. Those in Congress who do the most to protect American workers in terms of immigration policies receive an A+, while those doing the least receive an F-minus.
The 50 "Defenders" on this list:
-- received the highest grades for their actions during the last two
-- are asking voters to re-elect them to Congress this November
Grassley, Charles (IA)
DeMint, Jim (SC)
Graded A+
King, Steve (IA - 05th)
Bilbray, Brian (CA - 50th)
Boozman, John (AR - 03rd)
Burton, Dan (IN - 05th)
Coffman, Mike (CO - 06th)
Gingrey, Phil (GA - 11th)
Heller, Dean (NV - 02nd)
Marchant, Kenny (TX - 24th)
Mica, John (FL - 07th)
Bartlett, Roscoe (MD - 06th)
Broun, Paul (GA - 10th)
Foxx, Virginia (NC - 05th)
Goodlatte, Robert (VA - 06th)
Linder, John (GA - 07th)
Wittman, Robert J. (VA - 01st)
Graded A
Alexander, Rodney (LA - 05th)
Chaffetz, Jason (UT - 03rd)
McCotter, Thaddeus (MI - 11th)
Myrick, Sue (NC - 09th)
Neugebauer, Randy (TX - 19th)
Price, Tom (GA - 06th)
Rohrabacher, Dana (CA - 46th)
Akin, Todd (MO - 02nd)
Kline, John (MN - 02nd)
Lamborn, Doug (CO - 05th)
Manzullo, Donald (IL - 16th)
Poe, Ted (TX - 02nd)
Smith, Lamar (TX - 21st)
Calvert, Ken (CA - 44th)
Conaway, Mike (TX - 11th)
Fortenberry, Jeff (NE - 01st)
Franks, Trent (AZ - 02nd)
Miller, Candice (MI - 10th)
Moran, Jerry (KS - 01st)
Platts, Todd (PA - 19th)
Bachus, Spencer (AL - 06th)
Bilirakis, Gus (FL - 09th)
Fleming, John (LA - 04th)
Hunter, Duncan D. (CA - 52nd)
Jones, Walter (NC - 03rd)
Posey, Bill (FL - 15th)
Roe, Phil (TN - 01st)
Graded A-minus
Taylor, Gene (MS - 04th)
Miller, Gary (CA - 42nd)
McClintock, Tom (CA - 04th)
Brown, Henry (SC - 01st)
Luetkemeyer, Blaine (MO - 09th)
Olson, Pete (TX - 22nd)
NumbersUSA also announced the "50 Worst Deserters of Jobless Americans."
NumbersUSA is a non-profit and non-partisan organization with more than one million activist members. It was formed in 1996 in part to carry out the recommendations of the bi-partisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform (chaired by the late Barbara Jordan) which opposed immigration policies that depress wages and job prospects for the most vulnerable members of the national community.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Power of Music During World War II
Have you stopped lately and thought about how music changed so much during World War II? No matter how much the style or tune changes, there is something about music that can bring us together.
Sometimes, we forget there are two sides in a war, both with soldiers doing the bidding of their country. Take a quick moment to view this World War II story ---
90-year-old man recounts a remarkable experience he had in WWII.
Thank you to all the men and women who so bravely defend our country.
Sometimes, we forget there are two sides in a war, both with soldiers doing the bidding of their country. Take a quick moment to view this World War II story ---
90-year-old man recounts a remarkable experience he had in WWII.
Thank you to all the men and women who so bravely defend our country.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
That Bush! That Patriot!
President and Mrs Bush show patriotic pride and support as they spend time welcoming returning soldiers from war. Guess we could all do a better job? Hey, we can all sign up and do our voluntary community service that the new guy wants us to do--- this way!
Welcome home, brave warriors.
Welcome home, brave warriors.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Politician at Heart
Grab a cup of mocha. Sit down and tap your feet to this catchy tune!
Politicians. Seems like the majority of them back off their promises--------after elected. Perhaps, we should remind them?
Politicians. Seems like the majority of them back off their promises--------after elected. Perhaps, we should remind them?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Changes in the Change in Your Pocket
Well, here you go. I guess this is the change meant during the last presidential election? Not only will we all have to dig deeper for healthcare, now all taxes are going up. Guess we should all get ready not to have any loose change in our pockets.
Click to read a commentary by Mark Hemmingway on the subject.
More on Senate Dems’ vote to let taxes increase
By: Mark Hemingway
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/senate-dems-reject-gop-amendment-to-prevent-tax-increases-100051199.html#ixzz0vlBu2KDk
Click to read a commentary by Mark Hemmingway on the subject.
More on Senate Dems’ vote to let taxes increase
By: Mark Hemingway
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/senate-dems-reject-gop-amendment-to-prevent-tax-increases-100051199.html#ixzz0vlBu2KDk
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thar's Gold in Them Hills, er, New Gold Tax in Health Care
Or at the very least, there is a new gold tax which was hidden in the health care reform bill.........
health care,
hidden tax,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Oh Yes! Read the Constitution
You have to know it in order to defend it!! When was the last time YOU read the Constitution?
I can honestly say it was within the last six months. Guess I'll dig it out and read it again. After all, if I can't talk about the articles and the Bill of Rights with confidence, how can I protect it?
I can honestly say it was within the last six months. Guess I'll dig it out and read it again. After all, if I can't talk about the articles and the Bill of Rights with confidence, how can I protect it?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Is Free Speech Free If You Have to Tell the Government?
I saw this article come through on Twitter and almost dropped my daily dose of caffeine.
You have to read about a lawsuit to protect your rights when talking to your neighbor......
Lawsuit Seeks to Protect Americans’ Right To Most-Basic Political Speech: Talking to Their Neighbors
John Kramer
Washingtonians from both sides of the political spectrum filed a lawsuit today to stop their state from monitoring, collecting and publicly disseminating information about the political activities of private citizens who do nothing more than urge their fellow citizens to take political action. They seek to vindicate the belief that if the First Amendment protects anything, it protects the right of all Americans to speak to one another about the issues affecting their lives without having to first register with the government.........http://www.ij.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3316&Itemid=165
HT to Conservative Gal
You have to read about a lawsuit to protect your rights when talking to your neighbor......
Lawsuit Seeks to Protect Americans’ Right To Most-Basic Political Speech: Talking to Their Neighbors
John Kramer
Washingtonians from both sides of the political spectrum filed a lawsuit today to stop their state from monitoring, collecting and publicly disseminating information about the political activities of private citizens who do nothing more than urge their fellow citizens to take political action. They seek to vindicate the belief that if the First Amendment protects anything, it protects the right of all Americans to speak to one another about the issues affecting their lives without having to first register with the government.........http://www.ij.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3316&Itemid=165
HT to Conservative Gal
first amendment,
free speech,
Shouldn't the Supreme Court be Constitution Addicts?
Over the last several years, I've become more interested in politics. Why? Is it because I have finally grown up and realized the changes that the government, whether local, state or national, have made to my lifestyle? Is it because I have friends who can intelligently discuss their political views? Whatever the reason, I now follow what is happening in the world around me.
I find Supreme Court nominations fascinating. Shouldn't all party interests and agendas be on hold and the search for a true American who lives and dies for the Constitution be the goal?
I think all the latest reports on whether Kagan "is or is not" to be not as important as the bigger issue. Is she or is she not an American who believes in the Constitution? Will she or will she not put all personal thoughts aside and follow the law of the land? You know, the Constitution? The bedrock of our country? The one which spells out the powers of the government and the freedoms of the people? The one where it is a government of the people, by the people and for the people whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed?
Just wondering......
I find Supreme Court nominations fascinating. Shouldn't all party interests and agendas be on hold and the search for a true American who lives and dies for the Constitution be the goal?
I think all the latest reports on whether Kagan "is or is not" to be not as important as the bigger issue. Is she or is she not an American who believes in the Constitution? Will she or will she not put all personal thoughts aside and follow the law of the land? You know, the Constitution? The bedrock of our country? The one which spells out the powers of the government and the freedoms of the people? The one where it is a government of the people, by the people and for the people whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed?
Just wondering......
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Want an Economics Lesson? Rap This!
What an interesting video on economics! Economic policy differences share a long history. Watch this rap video and maybe you'll walk away knowing more about the boom and bust of economics.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Want a Visit From a Government Approved Census Worker?
In the event you are not real interested in having a federally approved census worker knock on your door and ask questions, be sure to mail in your census by Apr 16.
For the first time, the Census Bureau even sent a duplicate set of forms to some areas. And now a PSA I've seen attempts to place blame (in a round about way) on those who don't send back the census as wasting taxpayer money.
In all the census forms I have filled out over the last years, I just don't remember all the extra hype and tax money being spent to remind residents to mail it in.
I have to ask. Who is paying for this "March to the Mailbox"? Or maybe I already know the answer.
Seven-day Countdown Begins: Mail Back Census Forms by April 16
/PRNewswire/ -- The following event advisory is issued by the U.S. Census Bureau:
On April 10th, the seven-day clock starts for residents to return 2010 Census forms by mail. Those who do not mail back the form by April 16th may be visited by a census worker starting in May.
With just seven days left for households to mail back their 2010 Census forms, thousands of volunteers in more than 6,000 neighborhoods plan to participate in "March to the Mailbox" parades, marches, walks, rallies and motorcades Saturday designed to remind people that it's not too late to mail back their forms.
These grassroots efforts, led by census partners, volunteers and local residents, are being held nationwide in neighborhoods with low mail participation rates -- from Albuquerque to Worchester and Los Angeles to Long Island. During events, volunteers and community leaders will come together in high traffic areas to remind residents that it is not too late to mail back their Census forms and encourage those who have delayed to "March to the Mailbox" and mail it back today.
For the first time, the Census Bureau even sent a duplicate set of forms to some areas. And now a PSA I've seen attempts to place blame (in a round about way) on those who don't send back the census as wasting taxpayer money.
In all the census forms I have filled out over the last years, I just don't remember all the extra hype and tax money being spent to remind residents to mail it in.
I have to ask. Who is paying for this "March to the Mailbox"? Or maybe I already know the answer.
Seven-day Countdown Begins: Mail Back Census Forms by April 16
/PRNewswire/ -- The following event advisory is issued by the U.S. Census Bureau:
On April 10th, the seven-day clock starts for residents to return 2010 Census forms by mail. Those who do not mail back the form by April 16th may be visited by a census worker starting in May.
With just seven days left for households to mail back their 2010 Census forms, thousands of volunteers in more than 6,000 neighborhoods plan to participate in "March to the Mailbox" parades, marches, walks, rallies and motorcades Saturday designed to remind people that it's not too late to mail back their forms.
These grassroots efforts, led by census partners, volunteers and local residents, are being held nationwide in neighborhoods with low mail participation rates -- from Albuquerque to Worchester and Los Angeles to Long Island. During events, volunteers and community leaders will come together in high traffic areas to remind residents that it is not too late to mail back their Census forms and encourage those who have delayed to "March to the Mailbox" and mail it back today.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Census Data- Used for What During War Time?
Being a good law abiding citizen, I opened up the second letter today regarding the 2010 census. The first letter was just informing me the census would be taken. Ok. Was this a huge waste of money in a tight (or any) economy?
So, I opened up the census and looked at it. It's the short form, which means they are only asking for your name, rank, age and race. How will this information be used?
According to the insert, the information can not be used by law enforcement or by tax collection folks. Hmmm. Really? It's only to decide how much money your neighborhood gets for children and the elderly? It's only to identify how many Representatives are to be in Congress from your state?
The census bureau has in the past given information found on the census to the federal government for purposes other than law enforcement or tax collection. What? It has been claimed the census bureau gave info on residents to the government during World War I so they could look for draft dodgers. Hmmm. It has been claimed the census bureau gave info on Japanese American citizens for the infamous detention camps on American soil during World War II. Is this true? Did the phone ring over at the big boss's house saying, "Hey, I've got some people you may want to round up?" Did the big boss decide the information was needed to secure America?
I don't know if the claims are accurate or not, but it certainly gives me chills just imaging how the information could be used by those who may be in a position to abuse power given them. After all, we are in a time of war against terrorism. Hmmmm.
Another fun little tidbit I've heard is there is no long form this time around. So, genealogy types who delve into the census years of old will be mightily disappointed come 2082.
Guess I'll get out my blue or black pen so I can fill in the blanks. Just too bad there won't be anyone coming around to fill out all the blanks in previous census years with a completely illegible writing skill or with guesses on how old the residents are since the neighbors were supposed to know!
So, I opened up the census and looked at it. It's the short form, which means they are only asking for your name, rank, age and race. How will this information be used?
According to the insert, the information can not be used by law enforcement or by tax collection folks. Hmmm. Really? It's only to decide how much money your neighborhood gets for children and the elderly? It's only to identify how many Representatives are to be in Congress from your state?
The census bureau has in the past given information found on the census to the federal government for purposes other than law enforcement or tax collection. What? It has been claimed the census bureau gave info on residents to the government during World War I so they could look for draft dodgers. Hmmm. It has been claimed the census bureau gave info on Japanese American citizens for the infamous detention camps on American soil during World War II. Is this true? Did the phone ring over at the big boss's house saying, "Hey, I've got some people you may want to round up?" Did the big boss decide the information was needed to secure America?
I don't know if the claims are accurate or not, but it certainly gives me chills just imaging how the information could be used by those who may be in a position to abuse power given them. After all, we are in a time of war against terrorism. Hmmmm.
Another fun little tidbit I've heard is there is no long form this time around. So, genealogy types who delve into the census years of old will be mightily disappointed come 2082.
Guess I'll get out my blue or black pen so I can fill in the blanks. Just too bad there won't be anyone coming around to fill out all the blanks in previous census years with a completely illegible writing skill or with guesses on how old the residents are since the neighbors were supposed to know!
japanese american,
world war I,
world war II
Monday, March 15, 2010
End of Life Care Rationing?
What do you envision when your time comes to get ready for the exit from the breathing tax paying world to that of the pushing up daisy world? No matter whether you are a firm believer in "quality vs quantity" or in the "I want to go peacefully" mode, you will no doubt find this debate of interest. Why should the government decide who lives and who dies? Why should the government be involved in such a personal private decision?
Does this subject give you chills? It certainly gives them to me as we wait and see if the government is successful in taking over health care by the reform bill on the table.
Thought you'd want to follow this debate of the analyists for the government potentially using Medicare patients as a way to ration, and therefore, "contain" medical costs.
Does the U.S. Need to Ration Costly End-of-Life Care?
/PRNewswire/ -- With skyrocketing Medicare costs contributing to record-setting budget deficits, does the United States need to ration costly end-of-life care? This compelling topic will be the focus of an upcoming debate produced by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, in partnership with MacNeil/Lehrer Productions and The National Press Club.
The debate will take place at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, March 24 at 7:00 pm ET. It will be webcast live at www.millercenter.org and air later on PBS stations across the country.
Debaters include:
-- Ken Connor, Chairman, Center for a Just Society, Gov. Jeb Bush's
Attorney in Terri Schiavo case
-- Marie Hilliard, Director of Bioethics and Public Policy, National
Catholic Bioethics Center
-- Dr. Ira Byock, Director of Palliative Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center, Author, "Dying Well"
-- Arthur Caplan, Director, Center for Bioethics, University of
Susan Dentzer, Editor-in-Chief of "Health Affairs" and a "PBS NewsHour" analyst, will moderate the debate.
With more than one-fourth of Medicare expenses going to medical treatment in patients' last year of life, debaters will argue what, if anything, the government should do to contain costs. Should the government spend less on costly end-of-life procedures and instead use these resources to care for more patients? Would it be better to ration by choice and let patients and their doctors decide on end-of-life care, such as living wills and pain management? What would be the social implications of a rationing policy? Would the government be deciding who is worth saving and who is not?
This debate will be followed later this spring by debates on the cost of college moderated by Ray Suarez, senior correspondent for "PBS NewsHour" and on the impact of the Internet on democracy moderated by Robin MacNeil of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions.
The Miller Center of Public Affairs is a leading nonpartisan public policy institution aimed at bringing together engaged citizens, scholars, members of the media and government officials to focus on issues of national importance to the governance of the United States, with a special interest in the American presidency.
Does this subject give you chills? It certainly gives them to me as we wait and see if the government is successful in taking over health care by the reform bill on the table.
Thought you'd want to follow this debate of the analyists for the government potentially using Medicare patients as a way to ration, and therefore, "contain" medical costs.
Does the U.S. Need to Ration Costly End-of-Life Care?
/PRNewswire/ -- With skyrocketing Medicare costs contributing to record-setting budget deficits, does the United States need to ration costly end-of-life care? This compelling topic will be the focus of an upcoming debate produced by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, in partnership with MacNeil/Lehrer Productions and The National Press Club.
The debate will take place at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, March 24 at 7:00 pm ET. It will be webcast live at www.millercenter.org and air later on PBS stations across the country.
Debaters include:
-- Ken Connor, Chairman, Center for a Just Society, Gov. Jeb Bush's
Attorney in Terri Schiavo case
-- Marie Hilliard, Director of Bioethics and Public Policy, National
Catholic Bioethics Center
-- Dr. Ira Byock, Director of Palliative Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center, Author, "Dying Well"
-- Arthur Caplan, Director, Center for Bioethics, University of
Susan Dentzer, Editor-in-Chief of "Health Affairs" and a "PBS NewsHour" analyst, will moderate the debate.
With more than one-fourth of Medicare expenses going to medical treatment in patients' last year of life, debaters will argue what, if anything, the government should do to contain costs. Should the government spend less on costly end-of-life procedures and instead use these resources to care for more patients? Would it be better to ration by choice and let patients and their doctors decide on end-of-life care, such as living wills and pain management? What would be the social implications of a rationing policy? Would the government be deciding who is worth saving and who is not?
This debate will be followed later this spring by debates on the cost of college moderated by Ray Suarez, senior correspondent for "PBS NewsHour" and on the impact of the Internet on democracy moderated by Robin MacNeil of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions.
The Miller Center of Public Affairs is a leading nonpartisan public policy institution aimed at bringing together engaged citizens, scholars, members of the media and government officials to focus on issues of national importance to the governance of the United States, with a special interest in the American presidency.
end of life,
health care,
health care reform,
Friday, January 22, 2010
Scott Brown Moves Past the Campaign and Says....
What? Hmmm....
health care,
scott brown,
Monday, January 11, 2010
Brit Hume Says It Loud and Says It Proud
Good for him. Hopefully, others will continue their journey further as they seek The Truth and The Way....
On 'O'Reilly', Brit Hume Reaffirms His Faith; Tells Tiger Woods He Should to Turn to Christianity
On 'O'Reilly', Brit Hume Reaffirms His Faith; Tells Tiger Woods He Should to Turn to Christianity
Thursday, January 7, 2010
National Effort to Amend the Constitution Launched
Thought this interesting----
/PRNewswire/ -- A national effort to add ten specific amendments to the Constitution of the United States was launched this week when the nation's 7,300 state legislators received the book "10 Amendments for Freedom" along with information on how to convene a Constitutional Convention.
The effort is being spearheaded by 10 Amendments for Freedom, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, to provide permanent restraints upon the federal government.
"The initial goal is to have the state legislatures vote to have Congress convene a Constitutional Convention to propose ten specific amendments be added to the Constitution," stated William H. Fruth, Founder and National Director. "After the amendments are proposed by the convention, they will need to be ratified by three-fourths of the states."
The proposed Constitutional amendments include the following topics:
1. Require the federal government to have a balanced budget and stop
incurring debt.
2. Repay the national debt over a 50-year period.
3. Force Congress to be more transparent regarding the legislative
4. Enable the president to have "line-item veto" authority.
5. Limit the number of terms a person can serve in Congress.
6. Mandate Congress control illegal immigration.
7. Provide a legal framework to prevent becoming a bilingual nation.
8. Prevent foreign laws and courts from having authority over the American
9. Restrain the growth of the federal government and prevent "socialism."
10. Allow for the presence of "God" in the public domain.
"The Constitutional Convention will be the most important political event held in 200 years," Fruth continued. "It will reaffirm the belief the American people have in individual liberty and freedom and that government is created to serve the people, not control their lives."
In order to amend the Constitution, an amendment must first be formally "proposed." There are two ways to propose an amendment.
Either Congress, by two-thirds of the vote of both the House and the Senate, or the delegates at a Constitutional Convention may propose amendments.
The Constitution has been amended 27 times. Each amendment was proposed by Congress.
"Since most of the amendments place limits on Congress, it is not likely Congress will propose them," Fruth continued. "As a result, a Constitutional Convention called by the states is needed."
Article V. of the Constitution states that upon the "application" of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states, Congress shall convene a Constitutional Convention.
After the convention is convened, the delegates will decide if each of the amendments should be proposed for ratification.
If they are proposed, 38 states must then ratify them in order for an amendment to become part of the Constitution. The convention itself cannot change the Constitution.
Information regarding this effort and the text of the amendments is posted at http://www.10amendments.org/.
/PRNewswire/ -- A national effort to add ten specific amendments to the Constitution of the United States was launched this week when the nation's 7,300 state legislators received the book "10 Amendments for Freedom" along with information on how to convene a Constitutional Convention.
The effort is being spearheaded by 10 Amendments for Freedom, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, to provide permanent restraints upon the federal government.
"The initial goal is to have the state legislatures vote to have Congress convene a Constitutional Convention to propose ten specific amendments be added to the Constitution," stated William H. Fruth, Founder and National Director. "After the amendments are proposed by the convention, they will need to be ratified by three-fourths of the states."
The proposed Constitutional amendments include the following topics:
1. Require the federal government to have a balanced budget and stop
incurring debt.
2. Repay the national debt over a 50-year period.
3. Force Congress to be more transparent regarding the legislative
4. Enable the president to have "line-item veto" authority.
5. Limit the number of terms a person can serve in Congress.
6. Mandate Congress control illegal immigration.
7. Provide a legal framework to prevent becoming a bilingual nation.
8. Prevent foreign laws and courts from having authority over the American
9. Restrain the growth of the federal government and prevent "socialism."
10. Allow for the presence of "God" in the public domain.
"The Constitutional Convention will be the most important political event held in 200 years," Fruth continued. "It will reaffirm the belief the American people have in individual liberty and freedom and that government is created to serve the people, not control their lives."
In order to amend the Constitution, an amendment must first be formally "proposed." There are two ways to propose an amendment.
Either Congress, by two-thirds of the vote of both the House and the Senate, or the delegates at a Constitutional Convention may propose amendments.
The Constitution has been amended 27 times. Each amendment was proposed by Congress.
"Since most of the amendments place limits on Congress, it is not likely Congress will propose them," Fruth continued. "As a result, a Constitutional Convention called by the states is needed."
Article V. of the Constitution states that upon the "application" of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states, Congress shall convene a Constitutional Convention.
After the convention is convened, the delegates will decide if each of the amendments should be proposed for ratification.
If they are proposed, 38 states must then ratify them in order for an amendment to become part of the Constitution. The convention itself cannot change the Constitution.
Information regarding this effort and the text of the amendments is posted at http://www.10amendments.org/.
balance budget,
constitutional convention,
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