Friday, November 19, 2010

'Don't Touch My Junk' - New Rap Song Released by Michael Adams, the Health Ranger

It was only a matter of time.....

/PRNewswire/ -- The socially conscious rap artist who released the wildly popular "I Want My Bailout Money" song in 2008 has just announced his latest song that takes aim at Big Brother's X-rated airport pat-downs: "Don't Touch My Junk" is being released today as a free download at

Created by Michael Adams (the "Health Ranger"), "Don't Touch My Junk" exposes the aggressive, obscene pat-down procedures now being used by the TSA on air travelers. The song is based on real dialog from traveler John Tyner who secretly recorded his conversation with TSA officials who tried to perform an "aggressive pat-down" on him. He tells them, "Don't touch my junk, or I'll have you arrested."

Rapper Michael Adams, also the editor of the pro-health freedom website, incorporated those words into a clever rap song that puts a comedy spin on the issue while delivering a powerful pro-freedom message.

The song and video are available for free at:

The music video is also available at: http://www.NaturalNews.TV/

"This song is about reminding people to invoke their Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches," says Adams, who adds, "airports are not Constitution-free zones."

The song, which is definitely not for children, features edgy lines about "man junk" and TSA molestation. It also borrows phrases from mainstream pop songs including "My Humps" (Black Eyed Peas) and "Don't Touch This" (MC Hammer).

Popular radio host Alex Jones is also prominently mentioned in the song, along with the Fourth Amendment and the U.S. Bill of Rights.

Adams has emerged as a musically talented journalist-turned-rapper who achieved popular grassroots success with the recent release of his song and music video, "Just Say No to GMO" (, which has achieved nearly 400,000 views across the 'net.

Adams, also known as the "Health Ranger," creates songs that capture popular sentiments about socially important causes such as civil rights, the psychiatric drugging of children and the safety of the national food supply. All his songs are offered as free MP3 downloads, and Adams earns no income or royalties from the songs.

"This song is about communicating an important message on civil liberties. Allowing our own government to finger our junk and molest our wives and children is irreconcilable with the liberties protected by the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights," Adams says.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Documentary Exposes the Threats to American Parental Rights

/PRNewswire/ -- and Watchman Cinema are proud to announce the release of "The Child: America's Battle for the Next Generation" on Saturday, November 20, 2010.

The 90-minute documentary explores the current state of parental rights in America. The goal of the production is to bring awareness to the seldom-visited issue of parental rights. With the grassroots efforts of, over 300 venues have been booked to premiere this compelling documentary on or around November 20, with the hopes of educating the general public.

"'The Child' will fill this void of unawareness by explaining the situation," Director Grace Tate wrote on the documentary website. "… [Parental rights] are not just an issue – this is a battle for the future."

In 2009, President Obama's administration vowed support for a variety of UN bodies and treaties including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. With the "best interest of the child" standard outlined in the Convention pushed by Senator Barbara Boxer (CA), U.S. Representative to the UN, Susan Rice, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the treaty would grant the government authority to override parental decisions at the state level.

"The Supreme Court held parental rights at a high level in 1925 with Pierce v. Society of Sisters," Farris explains. "But in 2000, the Court really messed up with Troxel v. Granville when parental rights were deemed non-fundamental."

Under the Supremacy Clause (Article VI) of the U.S. Constitution, ratified treaties preempt state law. Since virtually all laws in the U.S. regarding children are state laws, this treaty would negate nearly 100% of existing American family law. The U.S. Constitution is silent on the subject of parental rights, leaving them unprotected against activist judges or the federal treaty power.

"The government gets to decide what is best for children on any subject whatsoever," Farris says. "That's how the Convention works; the government wins all the time."

Featured in the film are interviews with professors, congressmen, coalition leaders, parents and children hailing from all across the country. The Watchman production team, comprised of homeschooled students and graduates from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, traveled for months gathering interviews and conducting research on this topic with professional movie-quality equipment.

Parental rights are an issue that motivated many activists in this month's elections, while going largely uncovered by the national media. With close to 160 Congressmen already committed to the Parental Rights Amendment in the House for the 112th Congress, the Amendment promises to be on the agenda in both the House and the Senate next year.

The first premiere will be held at Blue Ridge Bible Church in Purcellville, Virginia on Saturday, November 20. The event is free of charge and open to the public. Preview the trailer at

Monday, November 8, 2010

States' Rights Took Beating Almost 100 Years Ago

I came across an interesting fact that the 17th Amendment changed the voting of senators from the states' legislatures to mimic the general population vote of the House.  Was that intended to give the people more of a voice?

So, states' rights were diminished in 1913.  Wonder how that will play out as the federal government takes on more power and control of our citizens' lives?