I've been seeing red for a few hours now. The news stories out about the speech the president intends to give to students on Tuesday have coupled my thoughts with the "I pledge my service to the president" video. So I've had to ponder what I was going to say.
You know, my family has longed served America, whether it be elected officials at the local and state levels up to the White House. Some, like my dad and grandfather, served America by protecting her in times of war. But, the theme has been consistent. Serve America. Protect America. Protect the Constitution.
Now, I haven't served America in those first couple of ways just mentioned. Instead, one of the ways I serve my country is to teach others about some of the history of our country. Yep, I'm an invited speaker in my local schools to talk about the history of the Constitution. In these talks, I try to bring the Constitution to mean more than just a piece of paper to these kids. I hope I've been successful with some of them.
That brings me to the upcoming talk and the information provided by the people in charge of this talk next week. The kids are supposed to be encouraged to stay in school. Ok, I'll buy that. But it doesn't take 20 minutes to do that, nor has any president had that kind of influence on my educational choices in my lifetime. But, let's not dwell on that.
Keep reading and you see the kids are to be encouraged to read books about the presidents and Obama. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but historical books about presidents typically happen after their time in office is over. So, I'm a little concerned about these books about the current president that children are supposed to read.
The next course is a suggested plan for teachers to have children write letters about they can help the president. Help the president do what?
Top that with the video just shown in a Utah school in which the kids are to pledge their service to their president, and well, my senses are on overdrive. Pledge service to their president? Pledge service to a public servant who, by definition, is to serve our country and her people?
Ok. I'll write a letter on how I can be of help to the president. It will even cover the second letter of how he inspires me. Here it is:
I can be of help to the president by getting on my knees daily and praying that he will seek God's guidance.You see, it's really quite simple. I already serve a Master. I already serve the One who sent His son to die for me. So, oops, can't take that pledge to serve a man.
Oh- and there are some great books about the One I serve. Just in case you're in need.