Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Founding Fathers Weren't What They are Cracked Up to Be

There's been a movement out and about. The movement that Hollywood is helping to promote. It's a movement that promotes it was the wealthy slaveholders who wrote the Constitution. Really?

Was history checked before this broad statement was recently uttered? I think not. History shows us that of the 55 delegates who were present at one time or another during the Constitutional Congress that only 14 of these men had slaves. What? Yep, 12 of these brilliant men owned or ran large farms which had slaves. Another one, James Madison, owned slaves. Benjamin Franklin also owned slaves but later freed them.

"Well, they were wealthy," say the members of the movement. Not so fast.

Some of the delegates were well off, even considered wealthy. But remember, these same men were willing to sacrifice both their lives and their fortunes for freedom from the tyranny of the King. These same men were Americans. These same men were patriots who believed in limited government of the people and by the people. Some of these same men were not taught in fancy European schools. They were either self taught or served apprenticeships.

As for their supposed wealth? Eight of these men suffered financial problems after the Constitution was written and ended up either in bankruptcy.

So were these founding fathers who helped to create the world's longest surviving Constitution just a bunch of elitists? I think not. They were the men who worked together during heated debate over a four month period to frame the United States Constitution. Was it perfect? Of course not. After all, we have had over 11000 proposed amendments-- and only 27 of them have passed muster with the American public.

Yep, the founding fathers were leaders of their time. They were so much more than those in the movement want us to believe. Wonder when the folks in the movement are going to give up their lives and fortunes in what they say they believe?

Just wondering......

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